‘…when the bough breaks, the cradle
will fall, down will come baby, cradle and all.’

The Angel of Death hovered over the
Newly conceived Mother with child.
Then lingers by for the verdict.
Protect or relinquish? He smiled.

The excuses are many and varied
They flow like the sands of the sea.
All can be argued or debated
Let me list some so you can see.
~ ~ ~
“My boyfriend, the father, has proven
The man of my dreams not to be.
I’d decided to go back to my schooling
Then we slipped up, now we’re three.”
“I’ve just had an excellent promotion
A baby would get in the way.
My career is poised for ‘Gold’ besides
What would my Boss have to say?”
“Just bought our dream in the suburbs
And yes, the Jeep has to stay.
Europe was planned for this summer
Why would we want to delay?”
“You know we have two daughters already
Our income won’t cover a third.
We’ll add a boy, when our pay is increased
Until then, let’s not be absurd.”
“The testing advised for middle years
Shows an extra chromosome there.
Wouldn’t be fair to our families, because
It would require extra care.”
~ ~ ~
The Angel of Death heard all the excuses
In reply He was heard to say,
“Don’t worry, I’ll deliver your babies
Society has ruled it’s okay.”

~ J.E. Dyrholm ~
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